Mishawum's Enchanted Rock, SD - "Granite"

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Granite has the most beautiful pair of marbled colored eyes.

In harness this boy is a crazy man! Early winter 2007-2008 we moved Granite up into lead. During the occassional head on pass with either one of us or our friend Jim's team of Alaskan Huskies, Granite just put his head down and charged along. Good boy!
So far, at the start of the 2008-2009 season, we are seeing the same level of enthusiasm. During the summer of 2008, we opted to alter Granite becuase he was simply TOO crazy about yummy smelling girls. Taking Granite out of the breeding pool has it's added benefits... he's holding weight better, has a wicked sweet personality, and he can play with or run next to intact females without giving us any trouble!


Taken early Fall 2008

Taken at 3 months of age

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