Race Results 2004-2005

Being devoted caretakers of these beautiful animals, we often lose sight of family members and the friends with whom we associated on a regular basis before dogs took over our life. It is to them and their continued support of our crazy lifestyle, that we dedicate this season.

Note: L - denotes dog who ran in lead

GMDM - Shelburne Shipyard/G Stone Motors 60
Driver: Bob O'Hearn
Finished in first place out of a field of 14 teams with a time of 4:55:54
(we suspect the course this year was shorter than 60 miles)
Also ranked top placing purebred team.

Nighthawks Sled Dog Race (30 mile, 8-12 Dog Class)
Driver: Bob O'Hearn
Ran 10 dogs and finished with a time of 2:51
This was not our best run. When Bob returned from Craftsbury, three of the girls came into heat. Having them a part of this longer string, in the end, required a few leader changes along the route and a generally squirrley, unfocused team. We were reminded at this event of one of the Lessons you learn early on in mushing; never do anything in a race that you haven't already done in training. The dogs: Steel - L, Rocky - L, Ady, Allagash, Jello, Kona, Saint, Halley, Exxon, Cosmo.

Blanchard Fun Run (30 mile, 6 dog class)
Driver: Rhonda Hendry O'Hearn
amazingly closed the gap, and finished in 3rd place out of 7 teams with a time of 3:09

Driver: Bob O'Hearn
finished not too far behind with a time of 3:19
Bob running Stratford

Raven completed the requirements toward her SDO!!

Midnight Run
Driver: Rhonda Hendry O'Hearn
Finished 20th out of 28 teams, well within the SDO limit!
This was the first time Rhonda competed in a point to point event

Willard Jalbert, Jr. Can-Am Crown 60
Driver: Bob O'Hearn
Finished 22nd out of 30 teams
Ady and Cosmo earned a leg toward their SD title
Run for Rikke

Run for Rikke/WMTC Fun Run (8-12 dog class)
Driver: Bob O'Hearn

Jaye Foucher did a tremendous amount of legwork in an attempt to get this event off the ground. What started out as a simple brainstorm, the fundraiser concept a few of us were tossing around turned into a reality! For an event that was postponed and marked tentative on SDC for three weeks, we were all surprised by the amazing turnout. 21 teams!

Rather than take the racing sled, Bob ran using one of the training sleds with beat up runner plastic. Bad decision since the temps which were 17 degrees when the day started, warmed up to nearly 50.

The dogs: Raven - L, Jello, Kona, Saint, Ady - L, Allagash - L, Cosmo, Rocky

Reflections on the season: Our dogs clearly peaked at Craftsbury. They are a seasoned team and obviously did not require as many miles as we put on them during Fall training. After Craftsbury, due to lack of snow at the trails we typically frequent midweek, our team did not get the sled training as they had in past seasons. Unlike other kennels in the area who limited their racing to shorter events or wrote the season off, we put our best foot forward given the conditions we had.

"What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger. The beauty of this sport, is that there's always next year...." - M.E.

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